PLANS from a utilities company to improve the sewage network capacity and reduce the risk of sewer flooding in a village near Kendal have taken a step forward.

Westmorland and Furness Council has provided United Utilities (UU) with a ‘screening opinion’ that plans to upgrade the sewage network capacity in Burneside by installing a larger diameter sewer and constructing a new pumping station do not require an environmental impact assessment (EIA).

The proposed development would upgrade 820m of the sewage network from Bridge Street down Steels Row and Burneside Road. The sewer would then connect with the proposed underground pumping station at Carling Hill Field.

A decision notice provided by the council states: “The relatively modest extent of this sewage system upgrade scheme, the temporary nature of the construction works, size of affected population and non-complex measures set out to prevent and limit impacts on the River Kent would suggest that the scheme is unlikely to have significant effects upon the environment.”

“As such the Local Planning Authority does not consider that the proposal requires an Environment Impact Assessment”, the notice adds.

According to planning documents, the proposed sewer pipeline would have a diameter of 300mm, twice the size of the existing pipeline.

If screening from the council identifies significant environmental effects an environmental impact assessment is necessary.

The proposed pumping station will have a greater capacity than the existing Carlingdale Network Pumping Station which will reduce the risk of flooding by enabling short term storage in stormy conditions, said UU.

The letter submitted on behalf of the applicant explains the reasons being the proposals.

It states: “During periods of heavy rainfall, the capacity of the existing mains network sewer is exceeded, resulting in localised sewer flooding on Steels Row, Burneside.

“This localised sewer flooding affects roads near homes and is detrimental to the amenity of residents within the village of Burneside.

“The untreated effluent may also have the potential to flow into the River Kent, a designated watercourse identified as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).”

Proposals also include the construction of two overground kiosks for the pumping station and a new access road.

Westmorland and Furness Council provided the ‘screening opinion’ to the application on Wednesday (November 1).