Team GB swimmer Hector Pardoe set a new World Record at the Aquasphere Chillswim Windermere event in September, while swimming for a cause close to his heart.

Hector used the opportunity to speak up about pollutants in Britain’s lakes and waterways, raising over £900 for the Lake District Foundation’s Cleaner Lakes project.

Hector has been backed by swimwear company Aquasphere since 2022, and they agreed a 'cheeky bet' with the athlete ahead of the world record attempt.

Prior to the race, in which Hector set off last, the brand agreed to donate £1 for every swimmer that he passed during the event.

The event saw hundreds of swimmers attempting to complete the 10.5-mile swim of England's longest lake.

With 493 participants overcome, Aquasphere indeed made a £493 contribution to the Lake District Foundation.

Hector managed to finish in first place, setting a new record of 3:40.28.

With the addition of the swimwear brand's donation, Pardoe's final fundraising tally reaches close to £1,400.

Nick Holmes, UK and Ireland Country Manager at the Aqualung Group said: “Hector’s swimming achievement is truly amazing and inspiring and we’re proud to support the best open water swimmer in the country. The open water bodies of the Lake District are enjoyed by many of our swimmers, so it’s great to be able to also support the work of the Lake District Foundation in keeping the waters clean and safe for all.”

Steve Tonkins, Fundraising Manager at the Lake District Foundation, praised the swimmer for his efforts.

He said: “What an incredible achievement for Hector. Not only has he set a new World Record, but he also used this special sporting moment to sound the alarm on the damage being done to our waterways, while raising hundreds to clean up our Lakes.

"Hector is a hero of our times and we’ve loved being involved in this awesome feat.”