Here is today's weather forecast for Kendal, with hour by hour updates of what locals can expect on Sunday, December 10.

10:00am: Six degrees Celsius, 82% chance of rain, light winds from the south east.

11:00am: Seven degrees Celsius, 90% chance of rain, gentle breeze from the south east.

12 noon: Seven degrees Celsius, 90% chance of rain, gentle breeze from the south east.

1:00pm: Seven degrees Celsius, 90% chance of rain, light winds from the south east.

2:00pm: Seven degrees Celsius, 90% chance of rain, light winds from the south east.

3:00pm: Eight degrees Celsius, 83% chance of rain, light winds from the south.

4:00pm: Seven degrees Celsius, 20% chance of rain, light winds from the south west.

5:00pm: Seven degrees Celsius, 26% chance of rain, light winds from the south west.

6:00pm: Seven degrees Celsius, 46% chance of rain, light winds from the south.

7:00pm: Seven degrees Celsius, 81% chance of rain, light winds from the south.

8:00pm: Seven degrees Celsius, 80% chance of rain, light winds from the south.

9:00pm: Eight degrees Celsius, 80% chance of rain, light winds from the south.

10:00pm: Seven degrees Celsius, 80% chance of rain, gentle breeze from the south.

11:00pm: Eight degrees Celsius, 80% chance of rain, light winds from the south east.