A MOTHER and daughter from Kirkby Lonsdale are making the festive season easier for people struggling with the cost of living.

After founding Kirkby Lonsdale Community Cupboard Issy Bradshaw and her mother Janet are joining in with Eden Project Communities' Winter Warmers campaign to bring people together during the colder months by hosting a special Big Lunch at the Christmas events on December 18 and 26, when the elderly and vulnerable people are invited to enjoy a free Christmas dinner.

The powerhouse duo is also running a weekly warm space film night and has been holding after-school craft sessions to ease the cost of Christmas with potato stamp wrapping paper workshops and wreath-making classes. 

Community organiser Issy Bradshaw said: “It’s so important to reach out to your community and make the festive season feel a bit easier for people who might be lonely, short of money or feeling low.

"For my mum and I, it’s all part and parcel of our mission to bring people together where we live. Although we sometimes encounter challenges, seeing people join in with activities and feel the warmth of human connection makes it all feel worth it."