VILLAGERS could be left with no pub after plans to convert the last one in the village into houses were revealed.

An application to convert The Pheasant Inn in Casterton, as well as the accompanying ten bedrooms and managers’ quarters into three new homes, has been submitted to the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority by its owners.

A design and access statement says: “It is considered that the proposed works will significantly improve and enhance the existing non-designated heritage asset and make a positive contribution to the immediate local area by providing short term employment opportunities and long terms housing for families.”

The planning application has received 13 representations from local residents which state the pub plays an ‘integral’ role in village life.

One said: “It accommodates parents and visitors of boarding students at Casterton school who often travel from overseas, it has welcomed and accommodated the National Youth Orchestra as well as members of the Royal family security team who have enjoyed a discreet presence there.”

Another said: “The Pheasant was, and indeed remains, an integral part of village life and the community. It was also a key consideration in the decision to relocate to a more rural environment. Not only does it represent a focal point within Casterton for the residents, but in the context of the wider community it plays a key role in attracting many visitors to the area which in turn helps to boost the local economy.

“A number of jobs affecting the local community would also be lost. The Pheasant is within easy and safe walking distance of many of the village residents and its loss would be keenly felt, given that any similar facility would require a car journey with all the negative implications this would involve.

“This is a successful village pub with a number of letting rooms and thus, as stated, has a far wider ‘reach’ in impacting not just the village community, but a significantly wider audience. Casterton has enjoyed the many benefits of having a facility such as this for over 200 years.

“Those benefits, both financial and non-financial should be permitted to continue for everyone’s benefit going forward, so hopefully this application to redevelop a site with such a history will be rejected.”

According to its website the owners are the Wilson family – Carole, Paul, son Duncan and his wife Heather.

The proposed scheme will provide two four-bedroomed homes and one three-bedroom home, say the plans.

It adds the historic elements of the building are to remain but the 20th century extensions to the rear west and south of the public house are to be demolished and reformed as these are neither ‘significant nor attractive architecturally’.

The public house has been advertised for sale as a going business for six years without any serious offers to purchase made, the statement adds.



The planning application is currently undergoing a consultation period which will end on Tuesday (December 26).