PLANS to improve access to The Westmorland County Show have been given the green light.

Westmorland and Furness Council has approved plans from Stephen Proctor to build a track from the car park to the show field at Lane Farm where the Westmorland County Show takes place.

A report by planning officers states: “The proposal seeks to improve the infrastructure for the operation of the County Show, which is an established site within the open countryside and relies on its rural location to accommodate the show.

“The proposed track will exert a minimal impact on the landscape and the previous similar routes installed across the site have greened over time to a large extent, whilst still noticeable are not overly prominent within the landscape.”

“The track would be of a similar scale and appearance to existing tracks installed across the wider County Show site in recent years, many of these have now merged well into the landscape. The track would be constructed and surfaced in the same method and materials as existing tracks across the site, comprising of excavation to a depth of 225mm, infilled with clean Homescales Blue stone hardcore rolled and compacted.

“The topping will consist of blue ‘fine dust’ and gravel, with a final mix of grass seed and topsoil onto the surface before being watered and compacted”, the report adds.

Planning permission was granted by Westmorland and Furness Council.