A FLOOD warning has been issued in Kendal.

River levels are rising on the River Kent and River Mint due to heavy rainfall.

Areas most at risk include residential and commercial properties in the Westmorland Business Park, Gilthwaite Rigg, Burneside Road, Benson Green areas. Riverside pathways and the Gooseholme Park area will also be affected.

Flooding of property is expected from 8:30pm, said the Environment Agency.


An EA spokesman said: "We are monitoring rainfall and river levels and are checking rivers for blockages in the area.

"Consider putting your flood plan into action. You should avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water."

The flood warning area includes; properties adjacent to the Rivers Kent and Mint at Kendal, including Westmorland Business Park, Gilthwaiterigg Lane, Burneside Road, Dockray Hall Road and Industrial Estate, Benson Green and Gooseholme.

What to do if you get a flood warning

A flood warning means you need to act: flooding is expected. You should do all the actions for a flood alert, but also:

move vehicles to higher ground if it’s safe to do so

move family and pets to safety

move important items upstairs or to a safe place in your property, starting with cherished items and valuables, then furniture and furnishings

turn off gas, electricity and water supplies if it’s safe to do so; never touch an electrical switch if you’re standing in water

if you have property protection products such as flood barriers, or air brick covers, use them now