PLANS to convert a former shop into a takeaway in Sedbergh have been given the green light.

The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority has approved a planning application from Mr Colak to convert part of the former Brown of Sedbergh clothing store into a pizza and kebab shop.

Planning documents say the proposals will bring employment to the area and make use of a vacant shop.

A report by planning officers states: “The proposed development would add to the variety of services available in Sedbergh, a Local Service Centre, and contribute to the continued vitality of the high street.

“Subject to controls on odour and noise the proposed development would not cause undue harm to the residential amenities of neighbours, including residents of the nearby hotel.

“Any less-than-substantial harm caused to the appearance of the conservation area by the proposed flue is considered to be outweighed by the public benefit of bringing this vacant unit back into economic use.”

The proposals also involve dividing 38 and 40 on Main Street into separate properties as, according to planning documents, separating the shops to their original arrangement to provide premises for two businesses ‘suits the nature and character’ of the street.

According to a report by planning officers Sedbergh Parish Council supported the proposals as it would provide a ‘vital amenity’ in the town.

The parish council state: “Currently there are no venues of this nature serving takeaway food in the evenings. The town has lost a similar very successful business in the recent past due to the owner of the building developing it into flats, similarly we have lost a successful pizzeria in the same building.

“The location is in close proximity to two licensed premises both of which often trade after the proposed hours for this application. The previous business of this nature was located just a few doors down the street and had no negative impact in terms of disruption.”

The planning application was approved on February 13.