A BACKGROUND report is to be prepared on a Cockermouth man who has admitted harassing a woman and owning an illegal Samurai sword.

Leon Joubert, 28, pleaded guilty to possessing the weapon at his home in Horseshoe Drive, Cockermouth, on May 4. The sword is classed as an “offensive weapon” and having it - even in a private dwelling - is illegal.

The harassment offence was committed on May 3, and involved the defendant contacting a woman whom he is banned from contacting.

The no-contact provision was part of a restraining order that was imposed by West Cumbria Magistrates’ Court on September 19 last year, Carlisle’s Rickergate court was told.

Magistrates ruled that the defendant will be sentenced on May 28 at the Workington court after a background report has been prepared by Probation staff.

Joubert was granted bail on condition that he cooperates with the preparation of the report and that he has no contact with the woman for whose benefit the restraining order was made.

The defendant was represented in court by defence lawyer Sean Harkin.