A community group has seen massive initial success in their bid to save a beloved pub.

Residents in Dentdale are trying to buy The Sun Inn, an ancient establishment that dates back to 1523, so that its legacy can live on for centuries to come.

In just 10 days of campaigning, they have managed to raise £75,000, a sum that was revealed at a recent public meeting held in Dent Memorial Hall.

Working Group chairman Andrew Povey said: “We’re chuffed to bits about the amount pledged so far in such a short time.

"It just goes to show how passionate our residents and visitors are about The Sun.”

However, the work is still not close to being done with residents needing pledges of at least £150,000 to get a chance of match-funding from a Government grant.

If they achieve their goal, the villagers hope to buy and run The Sun as a community pub, meaning the profits get reinvested in the business or go to good causes in the area.

The Sun has grown to be a magnet for visitors to Dent and has attractions such as old beams, real fires and a mounting block, transporting patrons back to its 16th century origins.

It sits at the centre of the scenic village’s designated Conservation Area, serving as one of the key highlights on the cobbled main street.

Mr Povey added: “Community pubs have been launched all over the country and are hugely successful.

"We have strong support in our community but still need more pledges to reach our target."

CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale), the pub industry campaigning group, is supporting the residents in their pursuit of ownership.

A Community Benefit Society has been set up in which members of the public will be invited to invest.

Anyone interested in more information should email saveoursun2024@gmail.com or visit www.dentcommunitypub.co.uk.