Two arrests were made at Oxenholme Railway Station on Tuesday following a joint police operation.

Officers from the South Lakes Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) worked in tandem with the British Transport Police (BTP) in response to the incident on May 14.

Officers were also accompanied by passive drugs dogs from Cumbria Police Dog Section and BTP.

One man was arrested on suspicion of being drunk and disorderly, and another man was arrested for unlawfully being in the UK.

Multiple stop searches were carried out at the location, resulting in three positive searches for cannabis possession, which were dealt with via a community resolution.

One small knife was also located and confiscated, with officers issuing a warning to the individual concerned.

The operation was carried out as part of Cumbria Constabulary’s support for Operation sceptre - a national, week-long knife crime campaign, which began on May 13.

If you are worried about the someone who is in possession of a knife or need advice, please contact police or report anonymously via Crimestoppers.

You can report online at or phone on 101.