A FUNDRAISER narrowly missed out as he took on a World Record attempt.

At Cumbria Strength and Conditioning gym in Dalton on Saturday, Andy Allan attempted the most weight lifted by kettlebell clean and press in one hour.

Read more: Ulverston man smashes fundraising goal ahead of World Record | The Mail (nwemail.co.uk)

With the record set at 16,040kg, Andy managed a total of 15,878.2kg following 60 minutes of endurance and dedication.

After the attempt, Andy said: "That was nothing like training at all.

"I obviously wanted to do it, definitely, but the main thing is raising the money for St Mary's Hospice."

The Westmorland Gazette: Andy took on the challenge to support St Mary'sAndy took on the challenge to support St Mary's (Image: Andy Allan)

He dedicated his efforts to the hospice after they helped care for his mum Sue earlier this year.

After originally setting an initial target of £1,500, Andy's record attempt has now brought in an amount that completely dwarves that figure.

"I think we ended up reaching that first target in two days but, as it stands right now, based on the JustGiving page, Gift Aid, £500 from Electricity North West and the contribution from Siemens Energy, we're going to be over £12,000," he said.

"It's unbelievable and I can't believe that it's been that much and it has spurred me on."

Colleagues at Siemens Energy, the company that Andy works for, brought in £2,000 alone, with the company then pledging to match that figure to boost his end total.

And, on the day, the bucket collection spearheaded by Andy's children led to £450 being raised.

The Westmorland Gazette: It was 60 minutes of gruelling work for Andy - but worth every second for the money it brought inIt was 60 minutes of gruelling work for Andy - but worth every second for the money it brought in (Image: Andy Allan)

St Mary's paid tribute to the 'sheer grit and determination' that Andy displayed over the weekend, branding his efforts as 'phenomenal'.

Mel Dixon, the Events and Challenges Manager at the hospice, visited the gym on Saturday to cheer Andy on through the attempt.

She said: "In the 11 years that I've worked there, I have never seen a challenge like that.

"St Mary's Hospice is a very special building full of dedicated doctors and nurses that work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year - but none of that would be possible without people like Andy."

You can still donate to the fundraiser here.