Another callout at Scafell, on May 18, saw mountain rescuers spend nearly seven hours helping a walker who injured her ankle.

16 members of the Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team (WMRT), as well as members from the Teesdale and Weardale Search and Mountain Rescue Team, were involved.

The police called at around 2.24pm, saying a walker injured her ankle just past the head of Piers Gill on the Corridor Route.

A spokesperson from WMRT explained the details of the callout which lasted six hours and 48 minutes: “It was known that Teesdale and Weardale MRT were training in the area so they were contacted to see if they could help.

“This was the case and so they responded and were on scene within 15 minutes, providing assessment and initial treatment.

“Extra equipment was needed from the valley so a full callout was made for the team.

“Once on scene, the walker was packaged into the stretcher and a long carry was made with both teams working together.

“Once at Brackenclose, a handover was made to the waiting ambulance and the team returned to Wasdale base to devour a huge pizza order.

“Many thanks to Teesdale and Weardale MRT for their willingness to support.

“It was great to meet you all. We wish the walker well and hope she recovers quickly and is back on the fells soon.”