A DOCTOR is due to face a tribunal after she was accused of receiving payment from two jobs at the same time.

Dr Kate Ogah, a microbiologist employed by the Morecambe Bay NHS trust, is to face a misconduct hearing after she was accused of being 'dishonest'.

The doctor is said to have worked shifts at the trust at the time as working shifts a locum, or agency worker, at the Blackpool Teaching Hospitals trust.

The allegations are said to span between April 2020 and August 2021.

In a listing for an upcoming hearing, the Medical Practioners Tribunal Service described the allegation.

It said: "The tribunal will inquire into the allegation that, on one or more occasions between April 2020 and August 2021, Dr Ogah worked her contracted shifts in her role as a Consultant Microbiologist at University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay (UHMB) at the same time as working shifts as a locum at Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (BTH).

"It is alleged that Dr Ogah received payment from both UHMB and BTH when she knew that she should not be working shifts for both at the same time.

"It is alleged that Dr Ogah’s conduct was dishonest."

The tribunal is due to take place between June 10 and 21.

It will be held at the MPTS hearing rooms in Manchester.

MPTS tribunals make independent decisions about a doctor’s fitness to practise.

Tribunals considering cases are made up of three tribunal members.

At least one of the tribunal must be medically qualified and at least one must be a lay member.

Tribunals decide if a doctor’s fitness to practise is impaired and what action, if any, is needed.

The panel will then make a determination on any potential sanctions.

This could include restrictions on practice, suspension from the medical profession, or a striking off order - banning a doctor permanently, the most severe sanction available.