A former Strictly Come Dancing star is spearheading the search for 30 remarkable individuals in South Lakeland - for the National Lottery’s 30th birthday.

JJ Chalmers' quest seeks out those who've accomplished awe-inspiring feats over the past three decades thanks to lottery funding.

National Lottery Game Changers recognises outstanding people in the categories of arts, community, heritage and spot.

Judges' winners will be recognised with Game Changers trophies in the Autumn.

A former Royal Marine Commando, in 2011, Chalmers survived an IED explosion in Afghanistan, which cost him two fingers, inflicted facial and leg injuries, and entirely destroyed his right elbow.

Despite these obstacles, he secured a gold medal at the 2014 Invictus Games and became the first disabled presenter to host the Olympic Games.

Mr Chalmers said: "During my own recovery journey and involvement with the Invictus Games, I have encountered countless unsung heroes who work tirelessly to improve the lives of people around them.

"I think it’s really important that we celebrate these inspirational individuals and thank them for all that they do.

"If you know somebody who has done something amazing with National Lottery funding over the last 30 years, then please take the time to nominate them as a National Lottery Game Changer."

Since the inaugural National Lottery draw on November 19, 1994, South Lakeland has benefited from £56,365,801, distributed through 1538 individual grants, aiding arts, heritage, sport, and community organisations and projects in the area.

National Lottery representative, Jonathan Tuchner said: “Since it was established 30 years ago, the National Lottery has been able to strengthen local communities, power sports teams, preserve and celebrate our heritage, support environmental projects, unleash creative talent, empower the elderly, and unlock young people's potential.

"That’s all thanks to the players."

Nominations can be submitted through the National Lottery Good Causes website by midday on June 17, 2024.