A DAD has been ordered to pay compensation to a police officer and a pub landlord and landlady after  a ‘disgraceful display of violent and disorderly conduct’.

Jeremy Simmons, of Pennington, near Ulverston, had to be dragged out of The Miners Arms in Swarthmoor on July 9 last year after, Preston Crown Court heard.

Prosecutor Hanifa Patel said the owners of the pub asked the defendant – aged 46 - to leave their establishment as they believed he was part of a group they had just asked to leave ten minutes earlier.  

Ms Patel told the court the defendant then became abusive towards the owners and members of the public inside when he was refused alcohol from the bar.

She told the court Simmons pushed the landlady to the ground before being escorted out of the establishment.

The court heard Simmons walked away but returned to the pub a short time later wielding a wooden fence post.

Ms Patel said police were called and that PC Kenny was forced to use his taser to get the defendant to drop the weapon.

She said Simmons remained aggressive towards the officer and that he then pushed and struck the officer with his hand to the officer's hand and back.

The court was told members of the public were forced to intervene to get the defendant off the officer.

He was then abusive once more and began swearing at the officer and public, Ms Patel said.

Simmons accepted in a police interview his behaviour was unreasonable, the court heard.

In his victim impact statement read into the court record, the landlord of the pub said he had never experienced that level of aggression and violence before in all of his 27 years managing pubs.

He added the incident had now made him feel unsafe and that he feels the need to check over his shoulder.

James Hayworth, representing the defendant, said: “He has, throughout the proceedings, shown genuine remorse.

“There has been no repetition of antisocial behaviour or criminality since July. It was a disgraceful display of violent and disorderly conduct.

“There is a combination of factors set out for his disgraceful behaviour. The primary explanation is that he had been on edge in relation to seeing someone who had previously assaulted his ex-wife.

“No-one makes good decisions in drink, let alone people who are angry and upset about this and other factors.

“He has completely lost all self-control and behaved in an appalling way. He knows he must hang his head in shame and that he cannot behave in this way again.

“He is a dedicated father and someone who plays an important role in his three children’s lives.

“He is also the head of a local marketing firm. He knows he has put his liberty significantly at risk, as well as his financial safety and security."

At Preston Crown Court on June 10, Simmons was sentenced after pleading guilty at the first opportunity in the magistrates court to affray, assaulting an emergency worker and possessing an offensive weapon in a public place.

Recorder Kevin Slack imposed a nine-month suspended sentence for 12 months with requirements to complete 150 hours of unpaid work.

He was also ordered to pay £250 in compensation to each of the three victims in the case.