As promised I would like to let you know about my visit to Workbase.

Last Friday I was very lucky to be invited along to the new premises on Kendal Business Park, just off Appleby rd.

The new premises are quite honestly fantastic, light and airy but more importantly spacious.

These facilities now allow the members of Workbase the opportunity to work in an open friendly and supportive work place.

Those of you who are not familiar with Workbase may like to know who they are and what they do, so I will try my best to explain.

All members have one thing in common, their need to recover from severe and enduring mental illness.

As taken from their leaflet “ Research shows that those recovering from mental illness profit from regular employment and a well structured work situation. Workbase provides that”

All sorts of activity goes on, from material craft items, incredible pieces of art, ( a young man named David was the artist I met and his work was superb I have asked him to show a piece in the Town Council chamber for all to see) professional printing services for businesses and charities –including the Town Council’s Bloom nomination forms! I am sure I have missed something out, I am sure if you are interested in their work and what they do you could contact them direct.