This week has seen the annual Local democracy week, for local young people.

I went along to the Low wood Hotel with twenty other Councillors, a mix of all three tiers – County, District and Town.

We were subjected to a Political speed date! There were two representatives from each of our secondary schools in Southlakeland and Kendal College; each young person had three minutes to ask each of us in turn any burning questions they had.

Questions ranged from lack of transport from rural areas to the nearest Towns and sporting facilities, the need for more youth facilities, to what it is we as councillors actually do.

I was very impressed with all their questions, how the Local Government system works and their interest in how they could influence.

I am looking forward to the follow up session to see what has been gained and if some councillors will have been able to put the comments made by the young people into the relevant systems. I for one will champion their comments when ever I get the opportunity.