STYLISTS at a Kendal hair salon have seen their creativity and talent recognised by the editors of two of the UK’s leading hair magazines, reports Lizzie Anderson.

Photographs of hairstyles created by stylists at Jo & Cass hair salons on Highgate in Kendal and Great John Street in Lancaster, can be found within the November issues of Hair Ideas and Your Hair. “I am delighted that we have got into the pages of two of the best-selling hair magazines in the country,” said Liam Sheridan, the manager of Jo & Cass Hair Salon in Kendal. “I have been hairdressing for about nine years and I am absolutely over the moon. I really am. I have been at Jo & Cass for about a year-and-a-half and I am very happy with the way things are going. We have got a very strong team.”

Among the stylists whose styles were featured in the magazine are Leanne Tomlinson, the manager of the Lancaster salon, Mr Sheridan himself, and team members Kelly Saunders and Nicola Perry.

“Everyone is delighted,” said Mr Sheridan. “In order for work to be featured in national magazines it has got to have an edge to it and it has got to be good.”