The weekend of the 17th November was always going to be very busy, not just because the 7th was my birthday, but we had Councillors from our Twin Town Albert visiting us.

Eric Coulon, Patrick Cauchefer, Marc Dauchet and Mme Dominique Michauz arrived in Ulverston on the Friday evening and were whisked off to the Coronation Hall, where one of our Councillors Cllr. Norman Bishop-Rowe in conjunction with Ulverston Outsiders put on a Festival of Remembrance Concert. The festival was based on the lines of the Festival Of Remembrance put on every year at the Albert Hall in London and our festival did not disappoint. We had Army Bands, Ulverston Town Band, Singers and Standards; there was a very moving Service of Remembrance at the end with poppies falling from the ceiling of the Coronation Hall.

Civic Dinner - Saturday eveining, after a day touring the area, we held a Civic Dinner for our guests. I think everyone involved had a good time. We took our guests to Elevens Restaurant in Ulverston where we had an excellent meal. Over dinner Eric explained a project relating to the 50th Parallel which they would like us to be involved with during 2009.

Remembrance Sunday Ulverston - Sunday 9th November our guests attended Dalton Remembrance Service at the invitation of Dalton Mayor Dermot O'Conner. A quick lunch and back to Ulverston for the British Legion Service of Remembrance at the Catholic Church, Ulverston and then on to lay weraths at the Market Cross. The attendance at this years service was outstanding with many young people attending, wishing to pay their respect to those who gave their lives in the conflict of war.

At the end of the service it was a quick dash to Walney Airport to see our French visitors on to a BAE Plane to take them to Liverpool airport to catch the flight to Paris