ANOTHER of the Lake District’s most badly eroded upland paths has been repaired in a joint initiative.

A team spent five days taking on Dollywaggon Pike, above Grizedale Tarn.

The joint project involved conservation enthusiasts from all over the UK who were in the area on a working holiday, alongside the British Conservation Trust for Volunteers, Friends of the Lake District and the Lake District National Park Authority.

The holidaying volunteers also took part in a course in Grasmere about the ancient art of stone-pitching.

Jack Ellerby, policy officer for the FoLD, said: “The volunteers go away satisfied that they have played a part in conserving the national park landscape, but more importantly they gain a much better appreciation of the amount of work involved in the stewardship of this special landscape”.

Julian Lowe, BTCV Windermere Project Officer, said: “This holiday was one of our Action Break Projects which attract volunteers from all walks of life to come to the Lake District to put something back into the environment, and we offer similar opportunities for local people to get involved in conservation work throughout the year”.