AFTER the thrill of the Masters and with the Open Championship teeing off shortly, golf fever is set to grip the nation once again.

As well as being a great participation sport, golf is excellent exercise.

As long as you don’t cheat and use the golf carts, a round of golf typically incorporates a four to eight mile walk, burning up to 1,000 calories.

Golf also reduces stress and cholesterol, it gets the blood flowing, making it a great form of cardiovascular exercise. Added to this are the benefits of good upper body exercise that accrue from teeing off.

The motions needed to play a round of golf involve the combined working of muscle groups not usually employed in the course of daily life.

The hip twisting motion that, paired with a good golf swing, gradually transmits motion down through shoulders, arms and wrists, provides a workout unique to the sport.

As such, great golfers need great workout routines to keep them toned in the right places.

One Natland resident qualified to provide that is Sam Matthews. Based at Carrus Green golf course, Kendal, Mr Matthews, 19, offers a personalised oneto- one training session designed at improving fitness, well-being and, of course, your game. Working in the gym and on the course, Mr Matthews’ said his sessions provide a tailored exercise and nutritional programme that can improve one’s performance while also delivering wider health benefits.

Mr Matthews has represented Kirkby Lonsdale golf club for the last seven years and also played in the Cumbria and North of England team.

He holds a National Diploma in Sport and Exercise for golf studies, YMCA level two and three fitness and personal trainer awards and level one golf coaching award.

To find out more, call him on 079290605018.