The speed that this CMS has dominated the market is quite astounding, recently winning best overall Open Source CMS for the second year running.

So why is Drupal is so great?

It's simple, it's highly flexible, stable and scalable and it has a great community supporting it.

Accredited designers have used and continually evaluate other systems but seem to return to Drupal as their tool of choice.

Designers have built low budget business websites, E-commerce and community projects using it and have explored and evaluated many of the hundreds of modules out there. Where there are gaps there are solutions and written code by Drupal developers.  If you don't know much about Content Management Systems (or CMSs) they are the framework of code that allow web developers to build you a modern interactive and easy to maintain website within a realistic budget. Drupal is one of the most flexible CMSs available, as it can scale and adapt to your needs over time.

I'm not going to go into technicalities as there are masses of articles about Drupal on the web, but needless to say Drupal wouldn't win awards and be used by sites like Greenpeace, Sony BMG and thousands of other high traffic sites if it wasn't an extremely capable and robust tool.

So why do you need Hydrant for Drupal Development?

Drupal like anything does have it's drawbacks; namely a steep learning curve for developers, overly 'geeky' feel when first installed and a bewildering choice of modules and plugins to choose from.

Luckily all of these can be easily overcome by working with an experienced and flexible development team who can configure, customise and maintain your Drupal powered site so that you get the benefits without the drawbacks.

If you are seeking a Drupal developer for your project just take a look at a few examples of various Drupal development alternatively just type “Drupal Cumbria” into Google.