I have often advised that search engine optimisation is not rocket science and I still stand by that statement, however, it still outstounds me how people take this statement and re-word it to "SEO services are free"!

I have been working in the search engine industry for approximately 8 years, and in these 8 years I have conducted masses of research and tested many a site to see what practices work best, the testing never ends.

Just as a marketeer will advise when marketing your business it's always classed as "testing" as they need to know what advertisment type works for your business, the same principal applies to web marketing.

Chartered marketeers have worked hard to achieve their status and therefore offer their professional advice and services with a cost, again the same principal applies with web marketing.

The information for search engine optimisation is all available online, there are many people who discuss this in length, however, as Google has the majority market share I would advise to get all the advice direct from the horses mouth.

A few weeks ago the independent wrote an article about search engine optimisation and experiences obtained from businesses, these people all agreed that they were spending anything from £1000 and over per month on their online marketing. A massive amount I agree, totally unnecessary as the majority of the work could have been conducted in house. These people then took the first steps into investing time into their website rather than throw money at it. The result was that after the initial onsite optimisation of their site had taken place done by the SEO company, they then invested more into training and then using their training and investing their time they are now reaping the rewards.

Your website should be optimised at the point of design, many designers ignore this and you are then left wondering why your site cannot be found. Get your website optimised, this only needs to be done once, then concentrate on a link building excercise, get some training for this then invest your time into your website and you WILL start to see the results. Time is money and link building is a lenghty excercise, learn the basics and reduce your expenditure.