FEARS have been voiced that parking problems in Kirkby Stephen could get worse now that the auction mart has closed its gates to public parking.

Kirkby Stephen Auction Mart locked its gates on Faraday Road to visitors to the town last month because the town council did not want to renew a payment to use the site for parking.

Now, a retired engineer is concerned parking problems in the town will return to foot-and-mouth levels, with coaches parking on pavements blocking views and sunlight.

Leslie Kirkham, 80, who lives opposite the auction mart, said some coaches parked so close to his house passengers could look in.

He said he had even had the unpleasant experience of visitors in coaches drinking tea and eating sandwiches watching him and his wife through the windows.

Mr Kirkham wrote to the town council to express his fears and chairman Coun Sheila Haughey said she should write to Eden District Council.

The town council had previously decided it did not have enough money to support more parking facilities and that the auction mart, which charged a small fee, was not used enough.

Auction mart manager Stuart Bell said: "We wanted to help the town but if they aren't prepared to pay, we can't do it."

At the meeting, Coun Haughey said: "I think we all sympathise with a resident's situation like this but this year the council cannot change its decision."

District councillor Trevor Ladhams added: "All residents round there have vehicles parked outside their windows, it's just something they have to accept. It's a market town."