LANCASTER'S Grand Theatre has set its stall out to attract the city's culture vultures' through its doors next weekend - with a double bill of classical delights.

London's Locrian Ensemble will perform Vivaldi by Candlelight' at the Grand on Friday (June 4) at 7.30pm.

The theatre says this promises to be a delightful evening of musical entertainment' featuring top London musicians dressed in period costume and set in an evocative candlelit auditorium The programme will feature Vivaldi's The Four Seasons, Handel's Concerto for two violins and The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba plus Corelli's incomparable Concerto Grosso and the popular Pachelbel's Kanon.

Each piece of music will introduced by the Ensemble's artistic director Justin Pearson.

And, as if that was not enough for one weekend, first class international dancers are bringing a unique blend of classical ballet excerpts to Lancaster just 24 hours later - on Saturday, June 5.

Led and directed by Stanislav Tchassov - a former principal dancer of the Bolshoi Ballet - the highly acclaimed European Ballet Company will perform extracts from Swan Lake and Giselle as a special treat.

Their programme also includes favourite and funny fairy-tale characters from The Sleeping Beauty, delightful Sweet Kingdom's doll dances from The Nutcracker and a scene from the passionate and thrilling Bizet's Carmen.

It takes place at the Grand Theatre, Lancaster, on Saturday, June 5, at 7.00pm. For tickets, call 01524-646 95.