I ATTENDED a debate' in Manchester Town Hall in the run-up to European elections.

On the platform were representatives of the UK Independence Party, Conservatives, Lib-Dems, Labour and the Greens, and the usual mud-slinging followed. One didn't expect anything better.

However, the worst statement was made by John Whitelegg of the Greens in a declaration that his party hates war and terrorism (don't we all?) For he stated that the British Army is one of the biggest terrorist organisations of all.

Does Mr Whitelegg not realise that but for the great sacrifices made by our armed forces in two world wars he would not have the freedom to make such a terrible statement.

Sadly, history has repeatedly shown that democracy is continually under threat and has to be defended so that the freedom to live, vote and speak out against injustice remains.

Our soldiers are currently in great peril in Iraq, having been sent there by a Prime Minister who used to spout the same sort of rhetoric before he became leader of the Labour Party.

Mr Whitelegg's remarks are also particularly insensitive as we approach the 60th anniversary of the D-Day landings when so many soldiers gave their lives to help liberate Europe.

M Hardy, Manchester.