FIREFIGHTERS have protested on the steps of a county council building to try to prevent the closure of a fire engine workshop in Kendal.

Bosses at Cumbria County Council have proposed shutting the workshop - which repairs and maintains fire and rescue vehicles and equipment - and replacing it with an enlarge workshop near Carlisle.

Fire crews, making their case at the County Offices building in Stricklandgate, argue that the move to close down the workshop does not make operational sense as it could mean vehicles having to be taken from one end of the county to the other for a part to be replaced.

Branch Secretary for Cumbria County Unison Deborah Hamilton, said: “This proposal just doesn’t make any sense to us. We think that there is no need to cut this service and certainly a county the size of Cumbria needs to ensure an adequate and full service for the people. The geography needs to be considered.”

There are also fears that four jobs could go if the Kendal workshop is closed.

The plans to close the workshop formed part of the council’s budget proposals which were approved today.