ZOMBINA and The Skeletones are exactly the sort of band that shouldn't work, yet, amazingly, they do and they can be caught live at Feedback on Friday.

The band, pictured, varies between all out rock n' roll and keyboard heavy Goth-pop songs.

But don't worry, this is goth-lite' and ignores the more gloomy aspects to concentrate on the funny' side of the undead.

With neat rock n' roll riffing, tinkly keyboards and bags of attitude and fun, ZATS are not just a novelty act but have seriously great songs to underpin the craziness.

It's undead pop-rock that's bursting with more energy than you'd get at any other graveyard bash; crashing riffs and choruses you'll be singing along with by the end of the set. There really will be no other place to be on Friday.