A cold winter is just around the corner, with the change of season, a drop in body temperature can lead to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

A balanced diet, rich in nutrients will keep you healthy and be favourable to your heart and blood vessels.

When it is cold and we feel less thirsty, we must pay attention to our drinking habits. Several warm drinks each day will keep body temperature up and help your body function.

A warm drink before bedtime will ensure that you are comfortable through the night. A glass of whisky may seem like a warm idea however alcohol can lead to a body temperature drop and leave you dehydrated.

Coffee and tea do not make good bedtime drinks; caffeine can stimulate the heart and cause palpitations. Tea does have the advantage of containing antioxidants, also found in fruit and fruit juices, which may help to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Soups are another valuable way of bringing you warmth, fluid and essential nutrients. Fresh soups will boost antioxidant intake, as well as supplying fibre and other vitamins and minerals. Remember to check the salt content of tinned soups, as more than 6g a day can lead to dehydration.

Stay warm and hydrated this winter and keep your heart healthy.

For more information and advice about healthy living, contact Heart Research UK on 0113 297 6206 or email lifestyle@heartresearch.org.uk.