MEET the fabulous baker boy David Smith, of Ambleside's Apple Pie Eating House - who has once again swept the board in a national competition.

Five firsts, eight seconds, and ten third places, not to mention numerous highly commended and commended certificates, the other baker boys must quake in their boots when they see David's name on the competitor list.

The prizes are, of course, a fitting tribute to the weeks of work that David puts into the annual national bread and confectionery competition which is traditionally held in Cardiff. This year it was his chocolate chip and toffee and banana muffins, Easter biscuits, crusty and soft rolls, Chelsea buns, and large crusty cobs which caught the adjudicator's eye resulting in a cache of trophies.

"I do spend a lot of time preparing for this sort of competition," said David who is assistant general manager at the Apple Pie as well as head baker. He and the team will soon be working in a brand new bakery at the eating house where major building works will create seating for an extra 100 customers.

"We're hoping everything will be ready for Easter," said David.

So are the hungry customers!

April 16, 2003 15:00