PUPILS at Pennington School got the chance to transform themselves into their favourite book characters for a visit from a published author.

Geraldine Braithwaite from Cartmel, the author of Through the Letter Box, spent Monday morning entertaining pupils with stories about her new book, Boofo's Blunders.

The star of the book, Boofo the dog, also made a special guest appearance.

After reading her new book to the children Mrs Braithwaite spent time with each class discussing characters, story planning and plot.

Instead of going to school in their uniform all the youngsters got to dress up as book characters, including Robin Hood and Harry Potter, for Mrs Braithwaite's visit.

The pupils also gave Mrs Braithwaite some tips for her next book!

Mrs Braithwaite said: "I asked the children if I should do my next book about a cat, a dog or a pony.

They all said it should be about a pony, so that is what I am going to do."

Pennington head teacher Jeni Boothman said: "The visit went really well and the children responded enthusiastically.

It was just great for them to see that published authors are just ordinary, living people."

Mrs Braithwaite's new book is available in bookshops throughout the county including Ottakers in Barrow and Kendal and the Tinner's Rabbit in Ulverston.