Sir, I was alarmed to read that Arnside Parish Council is considering taking legal action to stop United Utilities from laying a new pipeline along main roads in the village (Gazette, November 1, 'Row deepens over pipeline').

If legal action is taken then the council could be faced with enormous legal fees, which they could not afford from a parish rate, should they lose their case.

This waste-water scheme was promised in 1980, and there was supposed to be a restriction on housing development, but housing continues to receive planning permission.

The present sewage works dates back to pre-First World War.

The amount of sewage is increasing, and the state of the river is appalling.

During the past 20 years flooding has been very frequent, and this horrible filthy water has caused properties to be flooded, including my own.

The stench from the river in hot weather is considerable.

I do realise that the construction work on the Promenade of this scheme will be a problem for business people, but we have been assured that it will be completed between November 2002 and March 2003.

Also, although the road will be closed for up to four weeks, they will ensure that access is maintained.

For safety reasons the foreshore footpath will be closed for various stages of the project.

There will be control of traffic movement through the village while the new pipe is laid, but the timing of the work will be brought forward to ensure that it is completed out of season.

If the work is delayed by the parish council's decision to seek legal advice, then further delays will prove very costly to the contractors, and local business people will face disruption to their trade if the delays occur later on into the tourist season.

Dorah M Shepherd
