LOVE on the Dole, the latest presentation from Warton Drama Group, is a compelling love story set in 1930s Manchester.

Through creative set design, the audience is drawn into the lives of the Hardcastle family and friends, and offered a glimpse of how these ordinary people struggle for a brighter future.

The tender scenes between Larry Meath and Sally Hardcastle are captivating; the repartee of Mrs Jike and her associates are sheer delight!

This production exploits the talents of an all-age cast.

With past success in dramatisations of The Crucible, Shakespeare In Cabaret and Pygmalion, the group confidently demonstrates, yet again, that amateur performances can be of a high standard.

The production uses, for the first time, lighting and sound equipment purchased with a £5,000 grant from the UK Charitable Trust and £500 from Lancaster City Council.

The Warton Village Hall Management Committee will have plans for redevelopment of parts of the hall on display during the interval.

Love on the Dole runs from next Tuesday to Saturday, at Warton Village Hall.

Tickets from Warton post office, tel 01524-732851.