EVERY eight minutes a house fire breaks out in the UK.

In 43 per cent of house burglaries someone is home.

Fire and security company ADT has issued tips on how you can make your home a safer place to live.

l Keep a regular check that smoke detectors are in working order.

Also, create an evacuation plan for the family in case of a fire.

l Lock all doors and windows when you leave the home, where possible use deadbolts.

l Don't let strangers into your home.

Identify visitors with peepholes.

Always ask for identification if the person is a stranger.

l Don't leave valuables in sight, where burglars may be able to see them through the window.

Mark valuables with a security pen.

l Maximise visibility to and from your home by maintaining gardens, especially trees near to the home, to prevent thieves from getting easy access.

l Join a neighbourhood watch group, which will keep you informed on unknown dangers in the area.

l Make your home appear inhabited.

When going away, use light timers, ask neighbours to remove mail and put rubbish in your dustbin; leave a car in the driveway and do not create an answering message indicating that you are away.

l Install a house alarm - they are an effective deterrent.

Taking time to check your home could improve safety in your home and seriously help to reduce crime.