THE Kendal Millennium Youth Choir gave a concert in the Bryce Institute, at Burneside, under the leadership of Linda Graves and Moira Hall.

The choir was started in September 2000 and aims to encourage children to play an active part in the singing ensemble by helping to select, arrange and conduct the music and also by performing solo items.

For this particular concert the emphasis was on the 1960s and the choir was decked out in the colourful gear of the era, singing the melodious golden oldies of that period which, over the years, have become evergreens and well known by all age groups and consequently the audience were able to identify with them.

Congratulations must go to choir members Sarah Graves, Kate Soane and Lauren Storer who each conducted and arranged a number of items which the choir performed with confidence and enthusiasm.

There were also many solo items which were a delight and appreciated by the audience.

The voices blended well together and the harmonising was superb, especially in the unaccompanied singing.

The accompanist, Chris Noble, is going to college in September to study music.