THE Mikado, or the Town of Titipu, is the latest production from Kendal and District Gilbert and Sullivan Society, to be performed at Kendal Town Hall from Wednesday, March 14, to Saturday, March 17, at 7.30pm.

Tickets are available from Kendal tourist information centre, tel 01539-725758.

For more information contact 01539-722277.

EIGHTEEN artists who teach at the University of Central Lancashire have teamed up for an exhibition of photographs, sculpture, prints, painting, film, video, drawing and electrical objects at the Storey Gallery, Lancaster.

Guided tours of the exhibition - AnOtherPlace - will be led by Lubaina Himid, reader in contemporary art at the University of Central Lancashire, tomorrow (Saturday, February 24) at 2pm; and Saturday, March 3, at 2pm.

The tours are free.

The exhibition runs until March 10.

THE BBC Philharmonic is making its 50th visit to Lancaster University at a concert on March 1.

Cardiff singer Katerina Karneus will perform Mahler's Songs of a Wayfarer - an unhappy tale of lost love set against fresh, spring-like music.

The concert will start with Britten's evocative Four Sea Interludes and ends with Elgar's grand Symphony No 1.

The concert will take place in the Great Hall, starting at 7.30pm.

For more information call 01524-59377.