TO CELEBRATE the town's association with the classic film from the 1940s, Carnforth butcher Bob Maddison of The Meat Joint launched a new traditional pork sausage called 'Brief Encounter'.

With 68 varieties of sausages already on sale at his premises, Mr Maddison said the aim of this one was "to reflect the charming naivity between the stars of the film Trevor Howard and Celia Johnson."

Carnforth Mayor Brian Ward visited The Meat Joint to officially launch the sausage and was so impressed with the flavour that he took several home to savour.

Mr Ward told the Gazette: "It's good to see someone taking pride in his work.

It is this kind of service that will attract people to Carnforth.

"Carnforth is proud of its association with the film, and I am hoping that more and more visitors will bring their custom to the town."

As reported earlier Carnforth Railway Station is receiving a £1.5 million facelift including where Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard filmed the scene in Brief Encounter where they run up the subway to a waiting train.

Railtrack has embarked on a major refurbishment of the platform, subway and roof.

Work should be completed by summer.

Mr Maddison, whose sausages are made at his Market Street shop, has won major national prizes.

''People come in this shop from far and wide, from places like London, and buy our products.

I don't kid myself they're here purely for our sausages - they're usually on their way to the Lake District - but nevertheless, they've heard of us and Carnforth.

"If 'Brief Encounter' helps put Carnforth on the map then I will think it a success," he said.