Through Fire And Water by Mark Higgot.

(Mainstream Publishing, £20).

This book chronicles the story of the fateful last mission of Falklands war ship HMS Ardent.

In huge detail and using interviews with survivors, the book recounts what happened to the men as their ship was sent on a mission to draw fire from the Argentines as other forces attacked.

Twenty two men lost their lives as the ship was sunk and, in his debut book, Higgot sets out to make sure they are not forgotten.

The book begins with the ship in Amsterdam at Christmas 1981 and follows it over the course of 400 pages to its final destination in the seas off the Falkland Islands on May 23 1982.

In a day-by-day account, it shows how the men coped away at sea and concludes with a minute-by-minute description of the attack they faced.

At £20, Through Fire and Wateris not cheap but the attention to detail and the descriptions of the men aboard are excellent.

The book's aim, to make you feel as if you know the crew, is achieved.

The fact emphasised throughout, that the average age aboard was only 23, helps to back up the feeling of immense loss because of the sinking.