Sir, Here we go again, the great British public doing what it does best, whinging and queuing.

Early Monday morning while driving through Windermere village to the supermarket to get my daily newspaper, I got stuck behind a line of stationary traffic, 200 yards long, all queuing to obtain a tankful of fuel of which is apparently in short supply.

I would suggest that all the queuers for fuel were doing was transferring supplies from one big storage tank into a small tank in each vehicle.

Now smugly driving away with a full tank, what are they going to do now? They are not going to use their precious cargo are they because no more supplies are available.

A classic self-fulfilled prophecy!

Although some in the queue undoubtedly need fuel to get to work, I noticed a fair proportion of the vehicles were gas-guzzling 'Chelsea Tractors' (4x4s) essential to get the kids to school, look good in the golf club car park, tow the power boat from the M6 across that 15-mile dirt track to Windermere Lake; very essential indeed.

If these people really want to reduce fuel costs, buy a more economical vehicle (not a fashion statement), share your vehicle with fellow workers, walk the kids to school, walk to the local shops.

If I decided to block off access to the council offices because my council tax was too high I would be immediately arrested and charged with obstruction and rightly so.

This lily-livered government should take a leaf out of Maggie's book and give the law-breaking farmers and hauliers what she gave to the miners - the full weight of the law.

Send in the riot police and sort them out once and for all!


