Sir, As I write this from home (Monday, September 11), when I would rather and, indeed, need to be at work, I feel a desire to share with you my frustration.

I travel a considerable distance in my work especially as I am based in the Manchester area.

To overcome the high cost of petrol/diesel and at considerable personal cost, I have purchased a suitable vehicle and converted it to LPG.

However, this has not made me immune to the recent direct action as I cannot now freely use the roads to go about my lawful business given the lorry drivers' tactics.

I was, however, fortunate on two counts; one, to see a policeman and two, said policeman was not operating a speed trap.

I took this opportunity to question why they were not doing anything to stop the lorry driver operating a go-slow on the motorway.

He said the police were in a difficult position as lorry drivers have the public behind them and the police cannot be seen to go against this opinion.

As public opinion does not normally count for much with the police when it comes to closing down police stations and generally reducing police presence on our streets, is it any wonder we despair with the police?

Given that this is the policy, it does not help either myself, a taxpayer, or my employer, to go about our lawful business.

As one who has taken time and money to invest in alternative and environmentally-friendly fuel, I obviously see things differently.

Paul Wileman
