CAN'T get away to attend the Olympics in Sydney? Don't worry, just go online.

There seems to be as many sites as there are athletes...maybe more.

The official site is at

Advertised as 'your virtual seat' for the Olympics, it promises to make good on its claim.

You can find everything from highlights and history to how to's for every sport.

If you're doing a newsletter for your sporting organisation and want updates, the site will send you the data of your choice on the sport(s) of your choice.

For news on Sydney and the Olympics you can try, a joint media site ready to give the latest developments as they happen.

There's an alphabetical listing of each sport, venue locator, a video bulletin updated five times a day, and the option to have news sent directly. is a well organised site featuring activities in all the Olympic event cities.

It includes a handy calendar so you can see what's happening when.

If you're a mad fan and want an electronic way to keep in touch, visit

This will link you to the Olympics' cyber pavilion - dubbed the Athlete Surf Shack - where you can check out the athletes and send them your fan mail electronically.

For a space age site, check out

It deals with the International olympic Committee and other official organising bodies, but the design in cool and there's a video game to play.

thisissite of the week:

If you are wanting photos or bios of athletes, check out the newly launched, which includes Olympic heroes.

The site has a sponsored charity on each bio page, is looking for writers and is well designed.