What is the best thing about the Lakes? The best thing about the Lake District is definitely the fields; the massive fields in full bloom, just blowing this way and that in the Cumbrian wind. A fairer sight you will never see.

And the worst? I really love wildlife, so the worst thing for me is the declining red squirrel population. It really is shocking when you look at the statistics; at least 70% of the red squirrels that were in the Lake District 10 years ago are not there today. We really need to think about how we can boost this population again, as they really are amazing little creatures.

Favourite place in the Lakes? The beautiful, picturesque wilds of Tebay. Take a short trip through the gorgeous forests, across the beautifully barren fields and you will get to Tebay Services. Never have I been to a service station with not only such a comprehensive selection of all drinks and snacks, but the gift shop really is fantastic!

Favourite place to SHOP? My favourite shop is definitely Tebay Services and I know I’ve already mentioned it, but both the shop and restaurant really are great! At Christmas time they have an amazing Santa’s Grotto too, which is so much fun!

Favourite LAKE DISTRICT memory? Those long, hot, hazy summer days just spent by the lake with my great friends, just messing around and having a real laugh. Those memories stick with you forever and whenever I think back, I can almost hear the echoes of laughter and gaiety…

What one change would you make to the area? I would stock the Lakes with electric eels and squid.

Sum up the Lakes in five words. Brilliant, green, wet, fun, large.