What is the best thing about the Lakes?

The people. We have a great community who welcome visitors with open arms. We seem to be getting back the community sprit and we are lucky to have so many who care.

And the worst?

There’s not enough for young people to help keep them living and working here. Cost of housing and employment are big factors but I hope if they do leave, that in time they are in a position to return.

Favourite view?

Across the lake (Windermere) from the Glebe with the backdrop of the mountains and people enjoying the boats, feeding the ducks, holding hands and enjoying things we sometimes take for granted.

Favourite place?

Gummer’s How. Sitting on the rocks at the top leaving all your worries at the bottom of the hill and breathing in the fresh air.

Favourite memory?

Too many to mention but from this year, the Hindu parade through Bowness in August.

It was a wonderful procession of beautiful colours and sounds including two Hindu Scottish Pipe bands.

Favourite place to eat?

Jericho’s in College Road, Windermere, has fantastic food.

What one thing would you change?

I wish I could have done the job I do now 20 years ago. It’s the best job in the world.

Sum up the Lakes in 5 words:

Welcoming, beautiful, diverse, caring and home.