As we waited to board the launch at Glenridding, Ray said: “I know where a treasure is hidden.” He was referring to the game of Geocaching. Using a GPS he led us along a path among the bracken, event-ually pointing and saying: “It’s somewhere near that rock.”

We eagerly peered all around until someone exclaimed: “I’ve found it”, and held up a small plastic box. Inside was a collection of objects and a log book.

Ray wrote in the date and time of our discovery. He took out a fluffy lion, a ‘travel bug’, which bore the inscription’, “Do not keep me”. He replaced it with another such bug he had found in a similar box in Cornwall!

This set me thinking of the treasure we Christians have found. St Pauldescribes this as “the indescribable riches of Christ” (Ephesians 3:8).

What a wonderful freedom we have in Christ now, and Hope for the future in an uncertain world. To find that treasure we may have had a guide or a special experience. It may have been a long search. But at some time we have said: “I’ve found it”.

Of course we can’t hold up this spiritual treasure and have a photo taken, but we are urged to share with others. Sharing our experience leads others to that Life discovery. It can also encourage and streng-then the whole Body of Christ.

You may not yet found the treasure I speak of. If so, ask any Christian to share their Hope with you! Or you might like to join an Alpha Course and ask your own questions there.

Jenny Ottewell Member of St. Thomas Church and Secretary of Churches Together in Kendal and District (CTiKD)