KENDAL students are travelling to the world's third largest island to experience living with jungle tribes and a host of other tropical adventures.

A team of schoolchildren from Kirkbie Kendal are taking part in the school's first ‘world challenge’ in Borneo.

The nine students will trek through jungles and plan to climb Kinabalu - the island's largest mountain which is more than 4,000m high – during the four-week adventure at the end of July.

They will sleep outdoors in hammocks and will take it in turns to manage the group's budget, including organising transport and guides.

"Everyone is starting to get excited now," said teaching assistant Sandra Nicholl, who is leading the excursion for 16 and 17-year-olds.

"We have been preparing for the expedition for nearly a year. They have worked really hard to raise enough money to be able to go."

To take part in this trip of a lifetime, each pupil had to collect £4,190, which they have had being doing through fund-raisers including: bag packing, car boot sales, treasure hunts, a musical evening with dinner at an hotel, selling quizzes and a cake sales at school.

The group still has an auction of promises, bag packing, tack sale and Its a knock out competition to host to help them reach the target.

So far the pupils have collected approximately £12,000.

To train for the big trip they will be heading to Shropshire for an adventure weekend.