A SECONDARY school in Kirkby Lonsdale has been rated Good in its first Ofsted inspection since converting to Academy status.

Queen Elizabeth School (QES) converted to Academy status in February 2011.

Academy status gives a school more freedom in devising its curriculum and how to allocate its budget.

QES, a secondary comprehensive, currently has 1,170 pupils on its school roll, with 186 in the sixth form.

While the school was rated by Ofsted as Good overall, it was scored as Outstanding in the 'Behaviour and Attitudes' category.

The report starts: "Pupils, students in the sixth form and staff are proud to be a part of (QES). 

Pupils' behaviour is referred to by inspectors specifically, as the report states: "Pupils and students feel safe and happy at school. 

"They know who to talk to if they feel upset or worried. 

"Pupils said that bullying is rare but that when it is reported, staff deal with it swiftly and effectively.

"Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. They are respectful to each other and staff. Pupils' attitudes to learning are noteworthy. 

"Pupils and students approach their work enthusiastically. Pupils behave well in classrooms and around school.

"Pupils and students behave impeccably in lessons and around school. Lessons are not interrupted. Pupils are curious and want to learn."

Inspectors praised the involvement of sixth-form students in the pupils' development.

READ MORE: Ofsted rating of Kendal primary school revealed

The report states: "Students in the sixth form play an active role in the school community. 

"For example, they readily assume leadership roles and run clubs for younger pupils. 

"Pupils spoke enthusiastically about the wide variety of clubs available to them, such as the 'Pride Group' and the steel pan band club. 

"Pupils and students enjoy the two well-resourced library facilities at the school."

The report noted the school's provision for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

It states: "Leaders prioritise the early identification of pupils with SEND. 

"Leaders share strategies and relevant information with staff so that the needs of pupils with SEND are met. 

"Pupils with SEND spoke positively about the support that they receive from staff."