CUMBRIANS living with diabetes are being urged to join a campaign calling for improved safety standards for blood sugar monitors.

The monitoring devices need to be accurate to enable people with diabetes to control their blood sugar within narrow margins.

However, independent laboratory studies have repeatedly suggested some blood glucose monitoring devices available through the NHS did not meet the current international standards for accuracy.

In response, Spirit Healthcare is urging people to sign an online petition to request independent annual testing for all blood glucose monitors used within the National Health Service. It is part of Spirit’s ‘Diabetes Who Cares’ campaign, which aims to improve care for people with the condition.

Chris Barker, managing director of the healthcare company, said: “We would like to be joined by as many people as possible in this campaign as we believe this will help improve patient safety and outcomes in the UK. I hope everyone, individuals with diabetes, people from the NHS and also industry representatives will join us in this campaign.”

An official online government petition has been created and if 100,000 names are gained the issue will be considered for a debate in the House of Commons.

To sign the petition, visit