A FIRST aid training course for marine mammals is to be held at the Bay Search and Rescue station on Moor Lane, Flookburgh, on September 20 The British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) Marine Mammal Medic Course is a day-long event with lectures in the morning and a practical session in the afternoon in which participants use life sized inflatable models of a seal, dolphin and whale.

The practical shows trainees how to assess, handle and safely lift an ill or injured seal. They are shown how to assess and give first aid to a stranded dolphin and how to refloat it.

Finally trainees are shown the assessment and first aid techniques for the whale, before having to refloat a two-tonne life sized model of a pilot whale.

For full course details see http://www.bdmlr.org.uk/index.php?page=training-course.