THE housing market in South Lakeland is being flooded with properties just days before new legislation is introduced that will make it mandatory for sellers to pay for Home Information Packs (HIPs).

Estate agents operating throughout the area are reporting a "phenomenal" demand for sales as panicking householders look to put their home on the market before the June 1 deadline when sellers will have to fork out as much as £400 for the preparation of a HIP.

The Westmorland Gazette spoke to a number of estate agents who claimed that confusion and scaremongering has led to the last-minute rush, which they believe could destabilise the market and in some cases see a fall in house prices.

They have reported that the market has become saturated with properties and one estate agent declared that all valuation appointments were booked up beyond the HIPs deadline.

For full story, see May 18 issue of The Westmorland Gazette.